WitchFoot Podcast

020: Mercury Retrograde and Synastry Basics

May 24, 2022
020: Mercury Retrograde and Synastry Basics
WitchFoot Podcast
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WitchFoot Podcast
020: Mercury Retrograde and Synastry Basics
May 24, 2022

Mercury Retrograde hitting you hard? The Have-You-Ever-Had-A-Dream Team, Wendi and Andrea got you covered. Panic not!

Mercury retrograde happens a lot, and while it can feel like some big, big energy, it's all happening for your highest good!

More a details guy? Mercury approves! Here's the deets:

  • May 10: stations retrograde at 4 Gemini (review – receptive thinking) 
    • May 16-23: Aries Jupiter sextile Mercury Gemini rx (expanding review)  
    • May 20-23: Sun into Gemini conjunct Mercury into Taurus (kiss and trade signs) 
  • May 22: enters Taurus in retrograde (review – commitment to being) 
    • May 20 – June 2: Capricorn Pluto trine Mercury Taurus rx (transformative review) 
    • May 25 – June 3: Aquarius Saturn square Mercury Taurus rx (evaluative review) 
    • May 26 – June 2: Pisces Neptune sextile Mercury Taurus rx (idealistic review) 
  • June 3: stations direct at 26 Taurus (process – commitment to being)  
    • June 4-11: Aquarius Saturn rx square Mercury Taurus (evaluative process) 
    • June 3-12: Pisces Neptune sextile Mercury Taurus (idealistic process)  
    • June 3-15: Capricorn Pluto trine Mercury Taurus (transformative process) 
  • June 18: returns to 4 Gemini (process – receptive thinking)  
    • June 17-22: Aries Jupiter sextile Mercury Gemini (expanding process) 

In summary: Mercury pauses at the precipice of air, receiving information to consider, then returns to review her commitment to her physical self, kissing the Sun as they cross paths in opposite directions. Jupiter supports Mercury’s desire to initiate, to act on what she finds while turning her earth. Pluto lovingly reminds Mercury of the necessary transformation to come, what she must leave behind, the legacy of today’s decisions, and the work that has brought her this far. Feeling fortified, Mercury consults Saturn for resolution, to ensure there are no blind spots in her new plan, and to feel ready for what the next phase requires of her. Neptune provides a little sugar to help the medicine go down, and a salve for any stingers on the journey ahead. Pluto returns to test Mercury’s new process – one final adjustment period before Jupiter thrusts Mercury back into the fast lane, the big leagues, and catching up to her Sun.

Synastry is the loving review of two or more natal charts in combination. Need that itch scratched but still working on your astrology basics? The Pattern will allow you to run your chart against friends, family, lovers and even celebrities!

If you're attempting synastry on the fly, WitchFoot recommends analyzing the two mercury placements for a substantive starting point!

And for those who listened all the way til the end...a gorgeous Adrienne Rich quote to support our Lover's year:

From Dreams of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
"I choose to love     this time     for once / with all my intelligence" 

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Show Notes

Mercury Retrograde hitting you hard? The Have-You-Ever-Had-A-Dream Team, Wendi and Andrea got you covered. Panic not!

Mercury retrograde happens a lot, and while it can feel like some big, big energy, it's all happening for your highest good!

More a details guy? Mercury approves! Here's the deets:

  • May 10: stations retrograde at 4 Gemini (review – receptive thinking) 
    • May 16-23: Aries Jupiter sextile Mercury Gemini rx (expanding review)  
    • May 20-23: Sun into Gemini conjunct Mercury into Taurus (kiss and trade signs) 
  • May 22: enters Taurus in retrograde (review – commitment to being) 
    • May 20 – June 2: Capricorn Pluto trine Mercury Taurus rx (transformative review) 
    • May 25 – June 3: Aquarius Saturn square Mercury Taurus rx (evaluative review) 
    • May 26 – June 2: Pisces Neptune sextile Mercury Taurus rx (idealistic review) 
  • June 3: stations direct at 26 Taurus (process – commitment to being)  
    • June 4-11: Aquarius Saturn rx square Mercury Taurus (evaluative process) 
    • June 3-12: Pisces Neptune sextile Mercury Taurus (idealistic process)  
    • June 3-15: Capricorn Pluto trine Mercury Taurus (transformative process) 
  • June 18: returns to 4 Gemini (process – receptive thinking)  
    • June 17-22: Aries Jupiter sextile Mercury Gemini (expanding process) 

In summary: Mercury pauses at the precipice of air, receiving information to consider, then returns to review her commitment to her physical self, kissing the Sun as they cross paths in opposite directions. Jupiter supports Mercury’s desire to initiate, to act on what she finds while turning her earth. Pluto lovingly reminds Mercury of the necessary transformation to come, what she must leave behind, the legacy of today’s decisions, and the work that has brought her this far. Feeling fortified, Mercury consults Saturn for resolution, to ensure there are no blind spots in her new plan, and to feel ready for what the next phase requires of her. Neptune provides a little sugar to help the medicine go down, and a salve for any stingers on the journey ahead. Pluto returns to test Mercury’s new process – one final adjustment period before Jupiter thrusts Mercury back into the fast lane, the big leagues, and catching up to her Sun.

Synastry is the loving review of two or more natal charts in combination. Need that itch scratched but still working on your astrology basics? The Pattern will allow you to run your chart against friends, family, lovers and even celebrities!

If you're attempting synastry on the fly, WitchFoot recommends analyzing the two mercury placements for a substantive starting point!

And for those who listened all the way til the end...a gorgeous Adrienne Rich quote to support our Lover's year:

From Dreams of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich
"I choose to love     this time     for once / with all my intelligence" 

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